This is an email from Hendrix in reply to the comments in this article.
I took into consideration what you said and scarped [sic] the list. ( the funny thing is I do own two heralds of tzeentch on chariots just never made a list to use them.)
so this is what I came up with (using models I actually own.)
2x HoT on chariots w/ legion, master, and bolt 110
1x HoK on juggernaut w/ gift, fury, and unholy might 135
1x skulltaker on juggeranut 175 pts.
2x 8-man juggernauts -320 each
5x pink horrors w/ bolt and changling 105
5x pink horrors w/ bolt 95
5x plaguebearers 75
20x daemonettes 280 ( still need to get my hands on 20 of these models)
First off, the changeling and bolt squad is only 100.
The total anti-tank of this list is 2 BS4 bolts of tzeentch, and 2 BS3 bolts of Tzeentch. At 2000 pts, it's hardly enough. On average, that's 1 penetrating hit on AV11 per turn, and that's about a 50% chance to destroy the tank: and that's if everything is on the board: not dead, not in reserve, and that happens very rarely.
1/2 (optimistically) a dead rhino per turn means that all the horrifically devastating anti-infantry that the list brings will never come into play.
a Daemon list, it it's all on the field, ought to be able to put out at least 3 penetrating hits on AV11 per turn, at range.
This isn't a surefire way of saying "I'll get three pens per turn!" It's more of a guideline to see, objectively, if there is enough anti-tank in a list.
The way I calculate this is by adding up all the bolts of Tzeentch, dividing them by their chance to hit, and then by their chance to penetrate AV11, then doing the same for Tongue on Soul Grinders. Thus, your list averages 1 pen on AV11.
The funny thing is that Daemons never need to try to get anti-infantry- it almost comes accidentally, after you've begged, borrowed and stolen for anti-tank. I'll let you figure out how to get the 3 pens on average, but protip- Quad-chariot never lets me down.
Feel free to bring the 20-daemonette squad (the bloodcrushers don't need to be 8-each- 5 is plenty for most purposes), but make sure you aren't losing anti-tank for the sake of CC. Most armies can't come close to Daemon CC, so don't build it up to an imaginary standard.
Remember everyone, my inbox is always open for any questions or requests!
Norrikan 73p · 659 weeks ago
Now I wonder how viable a squad of four bloodcrushers would be. On paper they it looks like a still prettx viscious setup, but how do they perform on the field? If they are still killy enough, it might be a reasonable idea to take three squads of that size to make room for more bolt princes. Not sure, as it stands. *shrugs*
Also, would it not be more sensible to field the horrors as one squad?
SnaleKing 70p · 659 weeks ago
Fielding the horrors as separate squads lets you take Bolt twice, engage separate threats, apply firepower more efficiently, hold two separate objectives, and have each squad appear to be less of a threat.
And on second thought, three squads of bloodcrushers is also a good option- 8-man squads are just overkill, and have all the classic weaknesses of footslogging deathstars.
Hendrix · 659 weeks ago
Hendrix · 659 weeks ago
that's us actually getting a match in. ( i know alot of chatter, but everyone in there talking about 40k lol)
I was running fatecrusher here and brad actually told me that he would ignore fateweaver the whole game and he did, and beat me nasty lol